Walnut Grove, is a 279-pad RV park, with 5 cabins, 1 single-family home, room for 40 golf carts -storage, and a camp store located in Tiffin, OH, which is within 1 hr
45 min of 7.2 million people.
Walnut Grove contains 255 RV/park model spots, where most tenants pay to leave/store their RVs year-round. All RVs are owned by the residents. Many
residents have spent a large amount of money “beautifying” their spot, by building decks, accessories, bars, sitting areas, etc, which signals a quality tenant and
a desire to stay long-term.
Walnut Grove operates on private utilities: Well, WWTP (wastewater treatment plant, built new in 2018). The water, sewer, and trash are currently being paid
for by the owners of the park. The roads are gravel.
There are 2 different lakes, which are stocked with fish, and residents love to utilize these. The park caters to many retirees, but also people with kids who spend
weekends there, or work remotely.
The pool is very nice, and large, and has a diving board, which the residents and their kids love. There are multiple playgrounds for kids, which are very nice. There
are many concerts scheduled, with food trucks coming on weekends, and many other activities, which make it a place people love to be. There are paddle
boats for rent and canoes, and a large gathering area indoors for events.